Agriprogress organizes in collaboration with the Dutch Association of Calf farmers from 14-17 June 2022 a study trip to Romania. The aim of the calf farmers is to orientate themselves on opportunities for developing new activities and to establish contacts for the development and improvement of the veal supply chain in Romania. Partners throughout the chain will be visited, including professional calf farmers, the largest dairy farmer in Romania, a veal slaughterhouse and trader, the herdbook association of Balteata Romanesca (see photo) and Carpathian Meat (grass fed Angus). Romania is a country where dairy farming will develop strongly in the coming years. There is a major shortage of organic manure in arable farming. With approximately 1.5 million dairy cows, we are talking about a substantial market and therefore plenty of opportunities. If you would like to know more, call or email Agriprogress.