news agriprogress

Dairy Farm for sale in Romania

Nieuw aanbod Melkveebedrijf met perspectief Melkveebedrijf met perspectief in Roemenië In het Noorden van Roemenië bij Turda staat een goed renderend melkveebedrijf te koop Omdat de meeste grond gepacht is voor 7 jaar kan de begin investering relatief laag zijn Pachters...
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Urban Landscapes Romania blossoming

We are proud as coordinator of Urban Landscapes Romania to give some colour to the world in these strange times In the picture you find our project in Jibou Urban Landscapes Romania is the business development cluster of Van den Berk, Anthos, Ebben, Molter, JUB Holland, Seuren,...
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New training Circular Agriculture

  Agriprogress developed with great succes for South Korean growers and farmers circular agriculture trainings for animal husbandry and horticulture Final figure 9,8! We are proud! If you are interested or now partners who could be interested let us...
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Urban Landscapes Romania

Leading NL companies in the greening of cities (Van den Berk, Ebben, Nophadrain, Molter, JUB Holland, VIC Landscapes, Anthos and Barenbrug) work together with Romanian partners to develop more green in Romanian cities The project has made a strong start In Bucharest, Oradea and...
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Urban Landscapes Romania

Agriprogress is since may coordinator  of the PIB cluster Urban Landscapes Romania The goal is the greening of the Romanian cities It is a project of three year, focusing on local government, the green business and knowledge institutes Leading companies like Ebben Nurseries,...
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